Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Demon Trapper's Daugher-Review


I've read lots of paranormal YA and I'm shocked this is the first Riley I've come across. This book is awesome! I loved Riley she is sort of like Dru from the Strange Angels books, but less girly. She is like a female Dean Winchester, and come on I'm team Beck, I never like the Simon ever, unless its Peeta, that is like the only exception. Beck was dreamy, everything I look for in dysfunction.
Two parental units die and there is slight abuse, that made me sad, but it wasn't like a Courtney Summers book or anything, so don't fret. This book was a little slow at times, but it always redeemed itself. Riley is engaging, and active, plus it had a lot going on to keep you stimulated enough to care. The different levels of demon were simple and I was able to keep track of them all, that was a plus. Simon is likable as a love interest, so that wasn't a total downer, if I had to rate the love triangle on a scale of 1-5 I would give it a 3.5. Riley was cool, Simon was lukewarm, and Beck was my favorite, so there you have it. I really liked this book, and I was really looking forward to it, I'd have to say I was not disappointed, I will keep reading to see what happens next.

Elise Gatien or CJ on Tower Prep
she is so Riley, perfect fit. 

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