Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dead Reckoning-Review

Dead Reckoning (Sookie Stackhouse, #11)


I am a big fan of The Southern Vampire Mysteries, and True Blood. I read Dead Reckoning very fast, and it was pretty entertaining. However, I totally felt like it was just a filler book. I still hold the characters in a very high regard they all still mean a lot to me.

I found myself rooting for Sam more than ever in this book. Also Pam really stood out, she is one of my favorite characters & I love her in the show. Sookie is delightful as ever, and Eric just as charming. For most of the books I spent my nights saying to myself  "I wish Sookie and Eric would get together" well now they are basically married, and I'm sorry but they are SO boring.  As always there was an interwoven mystery to be solved, and I just find shifters so much more interesting, vampires are ok, but I will always pick the shifters.  I'm not sure if Charlaine even realizes it, but the shifters she has created are so much more complex than the vampires. I believe most people come to expect selfish socially awkward hot people when it comes to vampires, shifters just have a lot more to offer. For someone who always gets herself into trouble Sookie is awfully endearing, she is also so real. I love how she puts Eric in his place, and her greatest joy is watching her DVR'd episodes of Jeopardy. This was not my favorite installment in the series, but it was still entertaining.

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1 comment:

Melody said...

The good thing about filler books, is that you know the next one will be great. So whatever Harris has been leading upto.. cough cough *turning Sookie into a vampire* maybe will finally happen.
