Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gumbo Post-TVD & Books & Fairy Tales


Finally we have Klaus on The Vampire Diaries, I'm pretty excited I feel like I've been anticipating this forever. I can't wait to see what the writers do with this! He will be on the show in April, and I seriously can't wait.

Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2)  Tris and Izzie

I also know everyone has seen this, but its so pretty I had to post it. I was a big fan of Paranormalcy, so I'm excited for this I love Evie, she was such a fun character to read, and I really liked the premise of the book too. & also is it just me or does Lauren Barnholdt who I love, have like so many amazing books in the works, I was on her Goodreads today, and she is churning out the books let me tell ya, follow that LINK. Then that beautiful cover, Tris and Izzie, I'm pumped for, Tristan and Isolde is one of my fave stories.. I even loved the movie, and it looks so pretty. Also in other news remakes are all the rage lately, I get EW magazine in the mail, and there are three Snow White remakes in the works. Then of course Beastly, and a Nicholas Holt (Tony of Skins) Jack and The Bean Stalk retelling, and Little Red Riding Hood, which I am looking forward to, it looks really good.

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