Monday, January 3, 2011

Sloppy Firsts-Review

Sloppy Firsts (Jessica Darling, #1)

Jessica Darling, oh where do I begin...She is hilarious, brave, witty, charming, and just epic. She is struggling to find who she is now that her BFF Hope is gone. She is slightly neurotic, but great. You go on a journey with her, its a whirlwind journey, but you love it. My head was spinning by the time this book was over, I was just as frustrated as Jessica. I really felt like I knew Jessica once I read her thoughts. I became a little obsessed with Marcus myself to be honest. He kind of stole my heart, he is kind of addicting. This story was so fun, and I sort of zoomed through it. When we finally got to read "Fall" I was in love, Marcus had stolen my heart end of story. Marcus pierced my heart like cupid, not Jessica's, scary I'm jealous of a fictional character, I'm crazy. This book makes you crazy though I swear. I loved this one, and it really had me wanting more. The story is told through journal entries written by Jessica, and I hear you have to wait until book four to see things from Marcus' perspective. I felt like all the buildup was totally worth it, because it kept me completely engaged in the outcome. I think I like Hope as far as I can tell, she  and I both  have to listen to Jessica Darling complain A LOT, but its worth it trust me. Also side-note, Jessica barely ever asks anyone else how they are, or what they are up to, seriously, I don't think I could be her friend..I love the funny quips, and Megan's writing style, but I'm going to have to be honest, Marcus is truly what keeps me reading, he is sort of more interesting, for me anyway. Still this book is so fantastic, I"m sure most of you already know, but for those who don't give it a try, my best friend Jessica, really that is her name, has beat me, she finished them all, and swears its worth it.

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