Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cover Obsession

Darkest Mercy

I saw this cover over at Tynga's Reviews, and I just had to post it. Honestly I can't decide if I love this more than Radiant Shadow's cover. It is so pretty, and that clearly has to be Donia right? I don't know why this just excited me I've seen a ton of beautiful covers lately, but this one just hit me. Maybe because I love The Wicked Lovely books, who knows really. Do you guys like it? Do you think that is Donia? How about the series do you like Keenan (hey I guess thats possible to do) or Seth? 


Danielle said...

I this cover! the best in the series! i'm so sad that it's ending, and I like Keenan. If she ends up with Seth i'm going to be so upset. :( she belongs with keenan. He's her summer king.

Katy said...

I totally think she belongs with Keenan but I love The Dark Court and Donia the best.

Danielle Zappavigna said...

that is a beautiful cover! i've only read the first 3 books in the series and at this point i like seth still, maybe that will change after i read the fourth book?